Friday, June 28, 2013

Valinor adult clinic

What a great 3 days I had taking photos and auditing the Valinor adult clinic! It was a great weekend overall. Weather was beautiful, riders were happy, no falls, everyone learned a lot, new friends were made. What could be better?
Quick summary,
Martha and Amy went out cross country for the first time and they both rocked it! Martha and Flyer were cursing around the cross country field like they have been doing it for years! Amy and Lucky were having a ton of fun as well! Lucky was having so much fun he kept giving small bucks and Amy sat all of them like no problem!

Kris and Robby looked like they were having a ton of fun! Hopefully they will be doing some schooling shows during the summer as they looked great out there! Once Robbie got over his fear of water he was enjoying cantering through water like it was nobodies business.

Kelley and Ari looked great as always. You would never know that Kelley took over 2 years off from riding while at school and only started riding a few weeks before the clinic. Those two are a good pair.

Gail rode Areion on the cross country field for the first time and Gail was fearless, by day 3 they were jumping the novice ditch like they have been doing it for years! No fear for Gail!

Delia and Riff were having a great time as well. This might have been Delia's first time going out cross country and being such a good pony Riff took care of Delia. I think its safe to say that Delia is converting to be an event rider after being a hunter/jumper rider for years! Welcome to the dark side Delia.

Elena and her mare Melody were practicing training questions both in the stadium ring and out cross country. Elena has a very cute and talented mare. Those two will go far.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Valinor adult clinic

Valinor Farm adult clinic ends with success!! Details to come later.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


By Abby's request, I am posting this photo of Erin wearing pink! Never thought I would see the day!

Photo taken by Abby