Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bringing Aiken Up To Date #1

First, The Ice Storm Disaster of 2014!  Pictures are said to be worth a thousand words so....

Needless to say, this was a total disaster.  There was over a half inch of ice encasing EVERYTHING.  Trees continued to come down for days after the storm from the sheer weight of the ice.  Powerlines and fallen branches blocked roadways and devastated the whole area.  Many streets were blocked and access to anything besides the Whiskey road  area was impossible.  I brought a chain saw with me to get into the barn that first day...

Power was out everywhere.  So we got creative with finding water:

After the ice storm there was an earthquake, yes, EARTHQUAKE!!!  Of the 4 point variety. 

The long and short of it was that we SURVIVED!  Power Outages, Ice Disaster, Earthquake, etc and whatnot, you can't keep good eventers down!

Aiken Updates and Guest Bloggers!!!

It's been well over a week since my last blog update and it feels like much longer!  We've had a whirlwind of activity down here in the last ten days:  epic ice storms, power outages, earthquakes (really!), visitors from the north, two more horses to add to the ranks (welcome Cobbles and Stewart), and two horse trials!  While I organize my thoughts to write a post that will make us current, here's a Guest Blogger Submission from Abby who was one of the visitors this week!


Hi everyone! Guest blogger Abby here- it has been such a great week here in Aiken!  The weather was amazing, sunny and 60s-80s almost every day!  After a few days, Cobbles settled in nicely, and we had a great dressage and show  jump lesson.  Later we had two good cross country schools, one at Sandy Hills and one at Paradise.  Sam also had some great rides on Devi!  One of my favorite rides was when Sam and I got to do canter sets on the track with Ari and Devi. 

One exciting adventure was walking around the shops in downtown Aiken, where Sam and I came very close to adopting a cat :) The next day we went to Alison Springers barn where we got to see Arthur and Copycat Chloe! Then one morning we got to go to the track kitchen, and watch the horses run. Also, thanks to Marissa, we got a great tour of USC Aiken! (definitely coming to college in the south). Friday we were off to Pine Top to see Erin and Beacon compete in the Intermediate division.  It was so much fun to watch them and they did a great job!

Down here at Valinor South, every day must be somehow educational in some way.  Being the amazing teacher that she is, here is a list of everything that we learned from Erin this week.  From Astrology to Witchcraft, some pretty unique topics were covered...

  • The anatomy of a deer skull: (All parts of the skull were then labeled and numbered with correct names. Also, after being born, plates in your head fuse together to make sutures.)
  • Vocab words such as concentric and cattywampus.
  • An astrology lesson which included the north star (the star straight across from a parallelogram of stars in the sky), the seven sisters, and the little and big dipper.
  • Moss grows on the north side of trees, which is how slaves found their way out of the south. 
  • GHOSTS DO EXIST! ( especially ones named George)
  • Dung beetles can roll balls of manure for many miles.
  • Witchcraft is actually a religion called wiccan, and they think they can do spells, and if you get the chance, take a college class on it. 
  • How to give tips at restaurants.
  • The seven deadly sins are wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.
  • Crab legs are the best seafood ever!
  • Evolution of horses legs/toes/hooves.
It was the best week ever! Can't wait to come back in March!

Friday, February 14, 2014

A very icy Aiken

Posting for Erin...   Aiken is still covered in ice.  No power at the barn, or the house.  Hopefully power will be restored soon.  Stay safe!  We are all thinking about you. 

Monday, February 10, 2014


AIken Adventures Ariyha

Check out Ari killing it in her first XC school!

Aiken Adventures, Happy Monday!!

Hi everyone, it's been an official week that Valinor South has been underway, and what a whirlwind week it has been!  The horses have all settled in nicely, and we have worked out a good system and schedule around the barn.  I have Marissa to help as a working student Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as well as mornings Monday and Wednesday.  This year I'm sharing the main barn with my friend Therese and a very nice woman named Gina who just moved in yesterday.  It's an awesome group and we are all getting along really well and helping each other out as needed (no hay thieves this year!!!!)

The horses have all been really busy!  Ari and Devi have had a crazy week prepping for their first horse trials on Friday, they both are running Paradise Prelim.  They've squeezed in dressage schools, an onsite XC school, an off site bigger XC school at Full Gallop, and a show jump school.  Add into that crazy mix that Ari has already had two girls out to look at her!!  The rest of their week is dressage focused with one light jump school Wed so they can both jump height  (although they jumped plenty of big stuff at Full Gallop!) 

Beacon and Carino have had a lighter week.  Marissa has had a dressage and a SJ lesson so far, and we've worked out on the track.  Carino and Marissa competed at Sporting Days the day I arrived so he needed a little break anyway.  Beacon has schooled on the flat a bunch, worked on the track, and did one (very successful!) SJ school.  His first competition is another week out so time to start legging him up and get out for some lessons!

Pita is learning how to be a grown up horse.  She still has a ways to go, but she is starting to put together some nice (and much more consistent) flat work.  I even jumped her a little bit the other day and she was very smart with her footwork.  Working on the track was a little too exciting for her just yet (pretty sure she was hearing bugles), but she's been working nicely in the SJ and dressage arenas, and even out in the XC field.  This one has all the makings of a very nice horse; just needs time....

McGee was absolutely perfect for the first couple days.  Perfect in the barn, perfect in turnout, and perfect under saddle.  Then he realized that Beacon and Carino, although much bigger than him, are giant pushovers.  He started herding them and bossing them around, and then he tried to boss his people around!  He is now in Pony Time Out in a solo turnout, which has successfully knocked him down a peg.  He was lovely under saddle and in the barn today.  He's had some very nice dressage schools, two nice jump schools, and he's worked out on the track.  Ponies!!!  Perfect one moment, and then too big for their breeches the next!  He'll stay in the solo paddock for a little bit, at least until Stew and Cobbles arrive, then we'll see if he's worthy of rejoining a herd.  :)

Emmett has been a shining star since his arrival, and he knows it!  He was very pleased this morning to be upgraded to the big boy herd in place of McGee!  He has had some very nice dressage schools and has worked on the track a couple of times trying to really solidify that quiet steady rhythm in the trot and canter.  He's also SJ schooled once and although he was very good and honest to everything (and relaxed/confidant!) we need to get him to think about his technique a bit more (Carrie describes it best with a "flying orangutan" visual).  Grid-work in his future to get that footwork a bit more tidy!

This week we look forward to some northern friends coming to visit!  Lynnette and Little Marissa (sorry Marissa, but I have to differentiate the two of you... maybe I'll just call you Riss in this blog...) arrive Wednesday and plan on attending the Training Sessions Thursday (hopefully I'll have time to go watch some too).  Betsy and Alison arrive Thursday evening for an extended weekend of South Carolina Fun.  And Beth, Abby, and Sam arrive Sunday with Stew and Cobbles.  Busy Busy!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Aiken Adventures


Aiken Adventures

Dang it!  Spoke too soon.  Guess who sprung a shoe?  Lisa, I should have borrowed your fancy bell boot routine, at least I would still have a functional shoe!

Endless fields of Aiken

Aiken 2014 has officially begun!!

It's Monday, marking the official second day of our excursion, and Joe and I have snuck away to Atlanta Bread for a little late lunch while we wait for a flat tire to be fixed across the street (more on that later).

We arrived Saturday evening after a fairly smooth sailing trip south.  All the horses traveled well together (McGee lasted the entire trip muzzle free!!!)  And everyone appreciated the wonderful Virginia hospitality at our stop over.  The horses got some turn out time, and Joe and I were spoiled by a four course dinner followed by a complete breakfast in the morning.  The second day of travel went smoothly and we arrived at Sandy Hills with plenty of time to walk horses in the daylight and get them settled into their stalls.  Sunday morning Scorpita and Emmett joined the group, and we spent the day organizing turn out schedules and setting up the barn/tack/feed rooms.  The horses are all enjoying some very large turnout space and have settled nicely into three "herds".  Beacon, Carino, and McGee share one field while the girl pack of Ari, Devi, and Pita share another.  Emmett is solo at the moment waiting for the rest of his pasture buddies to arrive, but he is keeping himself and his three neighbors entertained with friendly exchanges over the fence. 

The best part about "First Turnout Sunday".....   ALL horses came in with all shoes!!!  This may be a first ever occurrence!

Today, Monday, is the first day of rides for everyone.  Joe noticed that one of my trailer tires had gone low in the parking lot (dang it!) so he swapped it out for me (yay!!!!)  Marissa and I spent the morning finishing up organizing the barn and then got to the riding schedule for the day.  I must mention that we were SWEATING mucking stalls in t-shirts, and that all the horses were turned out naked (sorry to everyone up north!)

The first five rides went really well.  Beacon was a bit fired up, but worked hard to contain his excessive energy, Ari thought about being a little spooky when a breeze lifted her tail, but then decided to be just perfect instead, Devi was a little energetic but contained herself very well, Emmett was very well behaved (not even one buck or cow kick, Carrie!), and Carino was very good for Marissa.  Pita and McGee will go this afternoon.

That brings us to my current status updating this blog at Atlanta Bread (I keep calling it Panera by mistake, but it's exactly the same).  We dropped the tire off to get repaired but as it turns out it has a cracked rim (dang!!!)  so Joe left me with my computer and he's off to grab the spare off the trailer to swap out the rubber, good thing my Dad makes me carry two spares on trips like this! 

It's sunny and 65 degrees right now, I heard everyone up north is getting ready for more snow.  Sounds like I left just in time!

Aiken Arrivals phase 2

The second shipment of horses arrived Sunday morning.  Both Emmett and Scorpita stepped off the Holly Hill rig like pros and have settled in nicely.