Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Aiken Adventures

It's been a relatively quiet week since Full Gallop; Debbie came out Thursday for jump schools again and everyone has been working on the track doing trots and gallops and a little fine tuning in the dressage ring.  The original plan was for a couple to run at Pine Top this past weekend, but no one got in!  Instead, it has been nice to really focus on what each horse needs to work on rather than get them geared up for competition.  Beacon has been working on staying rideable in his medium canters (both jumping and on the flat), Ari has been trying really hard to stay soft and even on both sides of the bridle, and Devi and Stew have been really working their hind ends so that they can sit down and come a bit more uphill into the bridle.  Diem has been taking some R and R to hopefully be back to normal quickly- he's been sunbathing all week!

I had the chiropractor/acupuncturist out for Beacon just to make sure he's feeling great and all tuned up for the season.  Dr. Ridgeway was phenomenal and I learned a ton watching as he worked through different muscle groups and pressure points.  It was amazing to see where he was a little stiff/sore and then literally watch the sensitivity disappear through the acupuncture points.  The deep sighs that he gave out after each adjustment, particularly the chiropractic ones, were telltale. Dr. Ridgeway was impressed by how even he is on each side and he only needed minor adjusting, meaning that he's been using himself correctly (yay!)  He gets today off, a hack tomorrow, and then back to unrestricted work Thursday.  He definitely feels good, he's been stretching, yawning, and napping all morning!

The remainder of this week will focus on more intense xc schools for both mares and Stew and preparing for the arrival of the rest of the Valinor crew on Friday afternoon!  I heard they got more snow at home, it's 70 degrees and sunshine here again today!!!  Stay warm up there!

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