Sunday, March 16, 2014

Guest Blog from Robyn and Lisa

Guest Blog:  Robyn and Lisa just returned from a whirlwind 3 day trip to Aiken covering Erin so she could come home to do a Training Shift at the Fire Department.  With Marissa's help, Lisa did a lot of riding while I tried to take care of the routine stable chores.  We were busy! 
We flew in Wednesday evening in time to help dress the ponies for the night followed by a delicious dinner at Tako-Sushi with Erin, Patti, Carrie and Conner even though Lisa was skeptical of eating at a restaurant with such a name. Thursday we woke up to the cold and the wind.  What happened to the sunny and warm temps Erin had promised us?  We should have known we were conned the night before when she asked if she should put the heat on.  WHAT?!?!?!? Oh well, we were getting reports of 17 degrees in Boston so I guess we will take it.  Patti had a lesson on Pita, then started her trip back north.  Lisa and Erin rode all the ponies. Lisa had a blast riding Devi X-Cty and Ari in Stadium.   There were some great points to the day like watching Alison Springer ride Beacon!  By the time we drove Erin to catch her flight and raced back to the barn to dress the ponies we were beat.  While debating just going home to crash, a missed turn landed us in front of Maria's!  A bit sheepish walking in covered in dust, mud and most likely horse poop, Lisa was happy to see other riders in breeches. We did yell at each other to at least go to the girls room to brush our hair and wash ourselves up a bit.   After a super yummy dinner and Lisa discretely reaching across the table to remove hay from my hair we were happy to head back to the house.  
 Friday, the weather was a bit nicer and we helped Carrie and Connor load up Pita and Emmitt for the long ride home.  Lisa did more riding with Marissa as super groom and I did more chores. By Friday night, Lisa couldn't walk and I was wondering why I wasn't vacationing on a tropical island.  Tired, we had a late lunch with Marissa and checked out a couple local tack shops in search of "vacation" souvenirs.  I found some comfy gloves while Lisa cursed at the extra skinny big footed person who left their gorgeous boots on consignment for a steal as she and Marissa tried desperately to zip them up to no avail.  
Saturday we ran around getting chores done and rushing to the airport just to learn our flight had been delayed.  And then it was delayed again!  Lisa managed to schmooze the guy at the ticket counter and got us on a different plane. This turned out to be a really good thing, because the original flight was still 'delayed' when we finally said goodbye to Aiken.

1 comment:

  1. Robyn and Lisa, Thank you so much for flying south to take care of the ponies! I know that going away for a weekend should include things like relaxing and maybe a spa, but mucking stalls is a close second isn't it? And you got to see all the ponies that miss you! So thank you, your travel and work was appreciated!
